[ANDROID] iGO 8.4 + Europe Maps 2012
- Type:
- Applications > Android
- Files:
- 1
- Size:
- 2.46 GB
- Tag(s):
- android igo maps navteq My Way
- Uploaded:
- Mar 21, 2012
- By:
- RatnikBelgrade
- Seeders:
- 475
- Leechers:
- 16
- Comments:
- 82
iGo My Way 8.4.3 sa mapama Evrope Licencirane Zgrade su u 3D formatu, ali samo su zemlje EU pokrivene, i to ne sve, ove glavne ******************** Funkcionise na ICS Androidu (4.x.x) ************************ Uputstvo: 1. Izaberite .apk fajl koji odgovara rezoluciji vaseg telefona 2. Instalirajte i NEMOJTE DA GA POKRENETE! 3. Kopirajte iGO fasciklu na sd karticu 4. Izbrisite LICENCE fasciklu i zamenite je sa drugom koja se nalazi u Installer fascikli 5. Pokrenite iGO aplikaciju i konfigurisite 6. Srecan put! :) **************LOZINKA ZA .rar je: serbia2012 **************************** P.S. Zemlje bivse Jugoslavije su apsolutno pokrivene, znaci npr. Bosna i RS nisu samo tri ulice, vec konkretno Banja Luka ima svaku ulicu a ne samo autoput kao na Google mapama Isprobao sam na ICS i funkcionise. Ako vam ne radi, preskocili ste neki korak pa ponovite sve. Na tri uredjaja sa ICS-om radi perfektno, a pravljen je za Android 2.3.x pa podrazumevano radi i na tim uredjajima (proverio sam i to) Seed-ujte :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iGo My Way 8.4.3 with European Maps 2012 Licence included with some themes for interface Buildings in 3D *************** COMPATIBLE WITH ICE CREAM SANDWICH - ANDROID 4.x.x **************** Instruction: 1. Choose .apk file for your screen 2. Install it, do not run 3. Copy iGO file to the root of your sd 4. Delete LYCENCE folder and copy a new one from installer folder 5. Run iGO and configure it 6. That's it 7. You can change themes, just copy and replace two files from a folder of desired theme to sdcard/iGo 8. Have a nice trip! :) PASSWORD FOR .rar FILE IS: serbia2012 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Greetings from Serbia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I tested this on ICS HTC Sensation XL and Google Nexus and IT WORKS so it IS COMPATIBLE with Android 4.x.x If it doesnot work for you, you made something wrong!!! So, go from the start! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -P L E A S E S E E D- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks... I will seed to 10x.. :-)
Does traffic alerts work? Is it better than copilot? Thanks for the upload
It should work for EU (western part) countries. In case for Balkans and Eastern Europe, works just in capital cities.
I will but stuck at 77.6%
Ratnice daj bre pali pilu da skidamo :-)
Ratnice daj bre pali pilu da skidamo :-)
Seed please!
nači, daj mu ga malo po seedu zakucava na 77,6%
nači, daj mu ga malo po seedu zakucava na 77,6%
Iskljucio mi se komp zbog necega i nije seed-ovao. Ukljucen je opet :)
please seed!!!
treba mi jos 4% do kraja, molim vas seedujte...
treba mi jos 4% do kraja, molim vas seedujte...
Great job man
Jako si dobro ovo uradio. Svaka čast.
Napiši gore oznaku pune verzije
Jako si dobro ovo uradio. Svaka čast.
Napiši gore oznaku pune verzije
@nen_rad Hvala. Ne moze da se menja opis, ukinuli su tu opciju. :)
Sve radi odlicno! SGS2
Gdje naci vise voice guide opcija, Svedski ili Njemacki?
Gdje naci vise voice guide opcija, Svedski ili Njemacki?
Prijatelju moze li se prebaciti iGo ali da ne mecem sve mape (trebaju mi mape ex YU, a na sd imam samo 160 mb sloboodno), ako da kako da izbrisem ostale
@toha8 Mogu pokusati da nadjem negde pa da stavim. Nemacki bi trebalo da ima vec. Kad nadjem, okacicu jezike za iGo.
Da li su ovo najnovije mape? bas updateovane iz 2012?
Ja sam nasao na serbiaforum.org ali neki serveri ne rade pa se ne moze skidati....mozda ti znas vise....Hvala!
Ja sam nasao na serbiaforum.org ali neki serveri ne rade pa se ne moze skidati....mozda ti znas vise....Hvala!
Da li ova verzija iGo ima 3D zgrade?
Gledam konfiguraciju applikacije i pise da sve zemlje imaju 3D zgrade.....
Probao sam sa Stockhom i Berlin i mape su 3D ali zgrade nisu.
Da li ova verzija iGo ima 3D zgrade?
Gledam konfiguraciju applikacije i pise da sve zemlje imaju 3D zgrade.....
Probao sam sa Stockhom i Berlin i mape su 3D ali zgrade nisu.
What are your overall expirance and knowladge about iGO, Navigon and Sygic, how would you rank them?
What are your overall expirance and knowladge about iGO, Navigon and Sygic, how would you rank them?
@toha8 Na serbianforumu su svi linkovi ugaseni zbog piraterije, tako da trazim na nekim ruskim sajtovima, Rusi imaju sve :) A zgrade su u 3D-u, moras da podesis to u podesavanjima, nisu po default-u podesene na 3D
@EO2M Ima i na nasim sajtovima. Ja skidam sve sa srpskih sajtova.
Ako nije problem da kazes koje sajtove koristis......hvala!
@toha8 www.google.rs i onda trazim. Kombinovao sam sa nekoliko sajtova ovo, da namestim da sve radi
guys...3d maps dont work..how do i activate that? i only have 2d maps! thanks!
nisam skapirao za pokrivenost zemalja... ovo sto pise Zemlje EU ne sve vec glavne znaci za 3D zgrade ili uopsteno mape??
ja sam ga instalirao ali kako sam ga upalio nasao sam manu sto se tice mape! dakle,mapa je evidentno neka stara zato sto konkretno bul. avnoja na novo beogradu je odavno preimenovan u bul. zoranja djindjica...mape su navtequ....ali sto se tice funcionisanja samog programa...instalirao sam ga na SGS2,ICS 4.0.3,zvanicni,nije rootovan...i radi normalno.
Svaka cast mastore...
Ovo je toliko prosto uraditi al meni na HTC legend i Xperia neo v nece nikako, javi neku gresku sa licencom. imal netko ideju sta cinit
starac imaju li PIO...eto konkretno Banja Luka :)
dali se dobiju file.ovi za kamione ?
hvala !
dali se dobiju file.ovi za kamione ?
hvala !
Hvala bato :)
password is : serbia2012
PASSWORD IS : serbia2012
Radi na Androidu 2.3.5. Bravo,care! :D
Hvala! Na Huawei 8650 radi extra!!! Samo neznam do čega je Bosna ne radi? Destinacija nemože biti pronadjena mape su izolovane!
Works on my Galaxy Mini!
Da li je neko probao na 3.2 HONEYCOMB?
Hvala unapred...
Did anyone tried this on 3.2 HONEYCOMB?
Thank you...
Hvala unapred...
Did anyone tried this on 3.2 HONEYCOMB?
Thank you...
Maps are not from 2012. They are from 3rd quarter 2011. Thanks for the upload, but i'm always looking for the latest maps.
Pokusavao sam vise puta prema uputstvu da instaliram na Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S i nece... Javlja gresku "database not found" . Moze mala pomoc, posto se ova greska izgleda samo meni pojavila :(
ne radi na xperia arc... cijeli dan sam isprobavao i tražio na internetu,ali ništa :(
Bravo care! Svaka ti dala!
program application database cannot be found
kako da resim ovo na HTC 3d evo hvala
kako da resim ovo na HTC 3d evo hvala
mape izolovane...ne mogu nista drugo da pregledam osim svog Bosne...niti napraviti rutu prema drugom gradu izvan drzave...POMOC???
osim svog grada i bosne*
Ne moze se naci ruta karte izolovane...sta znaci to
Јел може неко да ми помогне? Урадио сам све по упутству и опет ми јавља грешку:
Program application database cannot be found.
Јел има неке везе који је модел телефона и верзија Андроида? Јел ради на Андроиду 4?
Program application database cannot be found.
Јел има неке везе који је модел телефона и верзија Андроида? Јел ради на Андроиду 4?
@jebatibog brate, radi na xperia arc.. sad sam instalirao... instaliraj na pomala rezolucija.. ja sam to uchinio so 800X480, WVGA 800x480 iGOMyWay_8.4.3.179971.apk file... plus uradio sam update na android na 4.0 ISC ranije
za one kojima se javlja problem; mape su izolovane...
mape moraju sve biti od jednog proizvodjaca,znaci morate se odluciti navteq ili tomtom ;)
mape moraju sve biti od jednog proizvodjaca,znaci morate se odluciti navteq ili tomtom ;)
Ljudi, imam problem. Sve sam lepo uradio i krene da se startuje, ali kada stigne do 'Starting' program se srusi sam od sebe... HTC Evo 3D... Sta raditi, neka ideja?
Da li ima Grcka, vrlo mi je bitno, hvala unapred...
Da li moze ova navigacija na samsung galaxy 3 i5800, i da li ima Grcka? Hvala unapred.
miplax at 2012-06-21 15:17 CET:
za one kojima se javlja problem; mape su izolovane...
mape moraju sve biti od jednog proizvodjaca,znaci morate se odluciti navteq ili tomtom ;)
Sta konkretno treba uraditi?!?
za one kojima se javlja problem; mape su izolovane...
mape moraju sve biti od jednog proizvodjaca,znaci morate se odluciti navteq ili tomtom ;)
Sta konkretno treba uraditi?!?
The correct title should be; igo 8.4 + Europe maps 03 2011 !!
Da li moze i na Galaxy S3???
@Bubo-Kurse hey thanks for those 2012 maps but i'm not sure what android navigation program i can use to add them.. can someone help?
work without internet?
Fino. Evo skidam. Iz Bosne sam...
Prosli put kada sam skinuo neki torrent sto mi je drug poslao nisam mogao naci GPS signal, nije me mogao locirati...
nadam se da ce ovaj put uspjeti jer stvarno zelim imati dobru navigaciju kada budem negdje putovao po nasoj lijepoj Bosni :)
Prosli put kada sam skinuo neki torrent sto mi je drug poslao nisam mogao naci GPS signal, nije me mogao locirati...
nadam se da ce ovaj put uspjeti jer stvarno zelim imati dobru navigaciju kada budem negdje putovao po nasoj lijepoj Bosni :)
Extra torrent, samo sto sam prvo skinuo ovaj torrent pa obrisao iz njega mape i skinuo mape sa linka koji je postavio @Bubo-Kurse te ubacio njih jer su novije,radi sve savrseno na xperia p ics sa 800X480 instalacijom
Excellent torrent, i downloaded this first, then deleted the maps and downloaded the ones from @Bubo-Kurse's link and then added them into this iGo because they are newer, everything is working perfect on my xperia p ics with the 800x480 installation files :)
Excellent torrent, i downloaded this first, then deleted the maps and downloaded the ones from @Bubo-Kurse's link and then added them into this iGo because they are newer, everything is working perfect on my xperia p ics with the 800x480 installation files :)
...hvala druze...radi na mom HTC HD2 (android 2.2.1 - sense)...
...thanks man...everything works on my HTC HD2 (android 2.2.1 - sense)...
...thanks man...everything works on my HTC HD2 (android 2.2.1 - sense)...
Хвала за постављену навигацију! :) Прочитао сам коментаре и упоредо са овим торрентом скидам и нове мапе које је поставио неко од коментатора. Наставићу да сидујем бар још 2 дана, као сваки добар пират. :)
imam problem prijatalju...jel moze uopste da se instalira navigacija na Samsung Galaxy S II ??
i imam jos jedno pitanje nego zaboravih...jel moze ovo cudo da radi na 2.3.4 androidu ako zna neko?
Your instructions suck!
1. Choose .apk file for your screen - where from? From my computer? Or should I copy it to my phone? How can I copy something to my phone or sd card if my computer does not recognize my phone? If I copy it to my phone should I copy it to my micros sd card or my internal memory? To which folder?
2. Install it, do not run - with what? How? You probably mean with a file manager? Which one?
3. Copy iGO file to the root of your sd - What is the root of my sd? Does this mean I have to root my phone or should I just copy it to my sd card?
4. Delete LYCENCE folder and copy a new one from installer folder - where is the LYCENCE folder? Did you mean LYCENCE or license or licence?
Once I figure it all out I will write a tutorial that people who use an Android device for the first time can actually understand.
1. Choose .apk file for your screen - where from? From my computer? Or should I copy it to my phone? How can I copy something to my phone or sd card if my computer does not recognize my phone? If I copy it to my phone should I copy it to my micros sd card or my internal memory? To which folder?
2. Install it, do not run - with what? How? You probably mean with a file manager? Which one?
3. Copy iGO file to the root of your sd - What is the root of my sd? Does this mean I have to root my phone or should I just copy it to my sd card?
4. Delete LYCENCE folder and copy a new one from installer folder - where is the LYCENCE folder? Did you mean LYCENCE or license or licence?
Once I figure it all out I will write a tutorial that people who use an Android device for the first time can actually understand.
So here is the step by step tutorial:
1. Make sure that you have a file manager. I downloaded Astro File manager from Google Play. It's free!
2. Make sure your computer recognizes your phone just like it recognizes your usb memory stick.
3. Figure out what the screen resolution of your phone has. When you are done, go to the file you downloaded: iGO Android Europe 2012iGOInstallerinstallers and chose the folder that has your screen resolution on it.
4. Copy one of the two files that you will find in the screen resolution folder to your phone just like you would copy it to to a usb memory disk (it is important to decide to which memory you will copy the file. if your phone has enough memory, copy it to the internal memory. if not, copy it to your micro sd card)
5. Start Astro File manager and find the file you just copied to your phone. Install it!
6. Copy the iGO folder to your phone (iGO Android Europe 2012iGO) just like you would copy it to your usb memory stick. Copy it to the same place where you copied the screen resolution file.
7. Browse your phone with your computer. Find the iGO folder that you just copied to the phone. Delete the license folder.
8. Open your downloaded file and copy the license folder (iGO Android Europe 2012iGOInstallerlicense) to the iGO folder on your phone.
9. Disconnect your phone. Done!
1. Make sure that you have a file manager. I downloaded Astro File manager from Google Play. It's free!
2. Make sure your computer recognizes your phone just like it recognizes your usb memory stick.
3. Figure out what the screen resolution of your phone has. When you are done, go to the file you downloaded: iGO Android Europe 2012iGOInstallerinstallers and chose the folder that has your screen resolution on it.
4. Copy one of the two files that you will find in the screen resolution folder to your phone just like you would copy it to to a usb memory disk (it is important to decide to which memory you will copy the file. if your phone has enough memory, copy it to the internal memory. if not, copy it to your micro sd card)
5. Start Astro File manager and find the file you just copied to your phone. Install it!
6. Copy the iGO folder to your phone (iGO Android Europe 2012iGO) just like you would copy it to your usb memory stick. Copy it to the same place where you copied the screen resolution file.
7. Browse your phone with your computer. Find the iGO folder that you just copied to the phone. Delete the license folder.
8. Open your downloaded file and copy the license folder (iGO Android Europe 2012iGOInstallerlicense) to the iGO folder on your phone.
9. Disconnect your phone. Done!
The piratebay removed all the slashes that I used when writing about folder locations. That's why some words look weird but I'm sure you will figure it out.
Doesn't work! I get the error message: Missing or incomplete folder: iGO/license
Done everything exactly like the tutorial.
Done everything exactly like the tutorial.
Alo brate makni ove matore karte. ko je lud da skida te bajate karte. Što si spojio program sa kartama kad znaš da se karte ažuriraju svakih 3 meseca
Password protected rar file.
1. For those with problem "Program application database cannot be found" (most on xperia 480x854) = uninstall version that you have now and install with resolution 800x480. Use file WVGA 800x480 iGOMyWay_8.4.3.179971.apk
2. For "incomplete licence" error = copy "iGO Android Europe 2012iGOiGO" folder to root (SD card), not "iGO Android Europe 2012iGO" folder.
2. For "incomplete licence" error = copy "iGO Android Europe 2012iGOiGO" folder to root (SD card), not "iGO Android Europe 2012iGO" folder.
Pa da'l je moguce da si toliko glup mamu ti jebem.
Pa da'l je moguce da si toliko glup mamu ti jebem.
Eeeeeeeeeextra Torrent hvala sljaka sasvim dobro i mape nisu stare kao sto kazu neki, na mom LG p500 radi sasvim dobro.
Thanks socratus...
i used ur method...n now successfuly runnin it on Xperia arc... :)
n btw i downloaded the Canadian maps and replaced them...n everythings working awesome..!!
i used ur method...n now successfuly runnin it on Xperia arc... :)
n btw i downloaded the Canadian maps and replaced them...n everythings working awesome..!!
I have this message: please insert sd card containing IGO content files, what's up with this now? Did somebody have same problem?What is the solution.
Moze da prica ko sta hoce, torrent radi ko sat. Od mene maximalni seed, i HVALAAAA!!!!
Worked great! Used on three diff Resolutions, all amazing!
Samsung Galaxy S, HTC Sensation 4G & Alcatel OneTouch.
Simple to install following @Surfer24 instructions.
Samsung Galaxy S, HTC Sensation 4G & Alcatel OneTouch.
Simple to install following @Surfer24 instructions.
Pa prijatelju, sto ga stavi u .rar, treba mi samo .apk?
I need just an .apk, this .rar is to large to me.
I need just an .apk, this .rar is to large to me.
hvala čoveče...radi super na Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro...
THANKS MAN IT WORKS PERFECT ON Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro...
THANKS MAN IT WORKS PERFECT ON Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro...
ne mogu da podesim za licencu nikako...Gde ti je taj installer folder?
Potrebna mi je rezolucija 1280x800 ako neko moze da pomogne....... gde da nadjem?
Hvala unapred
Hvala unapred
Hvala ,radi savrseno u srbiji,nemackoj,austriji,slovackoj i madjarskoj,znaci u najgorem slucaju omasi za tri metra sto je savrseno jedino ne znam gde da skinem speedcam..
Ne mogu da podesim license za LG L9 ne moze nikako uradim sve sto treba sve korake lepo i kaze mi "Missing or incoplete folder: iGO/license" Moye pomoc?
Unapred hvala. :)
Unapred hvala. :)
HVALA! Kod mene radi na LG E400, i to srpski možeš namestiti!